The Art of Packing(LONG OVERDUE)

The dreaded heat wave of summer is already giving us hints of its coming, school is almost over in a month or so, and we are uneasy of the fact that adventures are lurking in the corner. February is not just the month for couples but it is also the month for booking flights and planning for adrenaline-filled trips–or at least that's what most of us Filipinos do because March marks the end of our school year and the start of summer. It is that time of the year again to wipe the dust that has blanketed our overused travel bags, fish for little left-behind fragments of the past escapade, and stuff it with essentials for an "Around The World in 80 Days" type of wandering. On last year's summer, I have been sleeping in unfamiliar beds over the course of the season; I believe the only times I get to see my family was when I got home from a trip and the next thing I know, I got invited to another trip the next morning. Ever since I came across the quote "Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer" the hands of wanderlust tickled my feet and during that awakening, I have been obsessed with traveling and hungry for more. I got addicted to it because traveling gives me this sense of unfamiliarity that engrosses my curiosity, and it gives me this self-gratifying feeling–that kind of feeling you get when you come face-to-face with the person you're infatuated with, or that kind of magical moment where your heart pumps adrenaline that makes your hands go cold–that is better than the word "euphoria".

From the countless adventures I have found myself rushing into, I have been accustomed to carrying simple yet valuable items in my backpack and I have accumulated tips that I know are consistently effective all-throughout my trips. In this post, I will be able to disclose to you my true and trusted checklists and tips–that I have made myself or I have acquired from others–that will help you with your preparations for a trip.

Something... Important

We all have those "Something... Important" in our baggages, may it be money, passport, or identification cards–low-key describing the picture above, LOL. Items that you've identified important are–guess what? IMPORTANT! If you have travel documents with you or business-related papers, don't just dump it in your bag and go about town.

  1. Put it an area of your bag where you're certain it won't be folded or tampered, for smaller items like credit cards and the like–I suggest you put it in your belt bag–if you have one–or a bag that you carry with you all the time when you're sightseeing.
  2. It is always best not to put all your valuables in one bag, stash it somewhere in your hotel room, maybe put your extra cash on the safety box. 
  3. Always have these items on easy access because if they're not, you're mostly going to forget them.
  4. Lastly, have a checklist of all the things you need to bring home after the trip.

Above is a sample checklist I'd like of you to have possession of because it is nice to keep track on the things you put inside your bag. Checklists can also serve as a medium for monitoring your stuff especially if you're backpacking across countries.


Another something... Important are clothes, you don't want to go about your trip with no clothes on right?–well that's a little bit exaggerated but really who does? Clothes are the talk of the town wherever you go; you talk about them when you're packing, when you go for a night, dinner at the outskirts of France–you always end up asking yourself "What outfit would I put on today?". Clothes are stuffy, they consume 1/2 of your luggage and they're a pain in the ass especially when it comes to crumpling; and this is the most frustrating, energy-consuming, relationship-breaking part when you're a fashion blogger going to fashion week–Attention!!! Go to the tips portion to hack your way out of this mess. To be honest, of the many trips I have been, I never learned how to properly fold my clothes; I'm just going to tell you the rules that I live by even up to date and that is to pay attention to the fabric of your garments and from there decide how you want to fold them, also, decide on what event or occasion would you wear that certain piece and ask Google for tips on how to fold them–and tada, you win at life.

  1. Fold your clothes in a rolling manner and stack them so that you can maximize space–but assess the garment first.
  2. Tips for fashion bloggers: Rule of thumb: Pair one bottom piece with three top pieces, bring two shoes (depending on their weight and your check-in bag limit), statement accessories that goes well with your ensembles, and mix n' match from there–of course, consider also where you're going; and if you think bringing only those is fashion suicide, reflect on this, true fashion icons can work with only those at hand, resourcefulness and layering is key not a closet that can cloth the whole world.
  3. Wear less on hot spots and layer more at the Alps.

Beauty Bag

If you're a little extra like me who carries a lot of beauty products and is obsessed with au naturel looks when at vacation, then don't skip this part. I really like to think that, when it comes to traveling, at some point in our trip we meet a person that possesses this faint sparkle in his/her eyes–Paulo Coelho on "Brida" is my reference here–that indicates that person is your soulmate; and who does want to look like a duck while meeting their soulmate for the first time? I'm a firm believer that no matter where you are, what situation you're in– you have to always look your best. Toiletry rhymes with beauty so I like to keep these two together; and I usually leave at home those products that are full sized especially beauty products because they consume a lot of space; and toothbrush, I bring with me my spare or those ones they give for free in hotel bathrooms. Sticking with your holy grail products might be a bit tricky when it comes to vacationing because you have to assess your beauty needs in-sync with the weather of your destination, if you're going to Maui or the Bahamas for your weeks-off opt for tanning oils or makeup with sun protection factor AKA "spf"; and if you're going to Aspen for skiing season, grab all the best moisturizer you have and don it on at that dry cool place because you don't want to look ashy while taking that Vogue-worthy pose.



  1. For summery locations, opt for lightweight makeup with spf and
  2. For wintery locations, opt for hydrating makeup with little or a lot of spf–depending on your taste.
  3. It's best if you put all your beauty products in travel-sized containers so that you won't have to force-leave them at the airport because you don't have a check-in bag–and they're space-effective too.
  4. I suggest you hoard all those free items at hotel rooms because they're usually in travel-size and they double as a spare when in case you lack of something.


If I have to request God for one special power, that would be a photographic memory because like a camera, I want to capture the laughter, the warmth, the beauty in one take. If you're a travel photographer, your equipment would probably dominate your luggage and that is a good thing; if you're a shitty-photographer–like me–a DSLR can sometimes be a hassle because they pack a heavy punch in the weight department. Beauty bag and clothes, I'm fine with that but with my DSLR, digital camera, GoPro, cellphone, and iPad I look closely similar to the Hunchback of Notre-Dame.

  1. Don't bring unnecessary gadgets because they just add up to the weight.
  2. Be wise with your choices because you want to capture memories as much as you can.

Travel Candies

My favorite part!!! Ironic though how they're essentials but you can get away without them. The thing about travel candies is that they add poetic beauty to your adventures, the catchphrase "One for the books" usually describes memorable trips and you can turn it into reality when you write it in your travel diary. I keep a diary and write on it when in the mood and the best thing, actually, is when you reread your entries in the past happenings; it brings back memories and gives you the chance to relive important scenes in your life. There was even a time, I noticed that from my 2016 diary, some of the dates coincide with my 2017 diary–I don't know if it was coincidence or just fate, but really, I'm not making this all up, it amazed me how they were timed perfectly together; you see, that's how you make your life an art.


  1. Bring books to accompany you on your long haul flights or drives.
  2. Novelize all your adventures, it is one of the best ways to document your expeditions.
  3. Get rid of your worries through your travel candies.
  4. Bring as much as you want as long as it is allowed.
Finally, we hit pan on this post. I congratulate you and express to you my sincerest gratitude for putting up with my words. These are all the tips I can squeeze out of my brain and I know some of them might not work on you but I hope I helped you a bit on your packing skills; some tips are superfluous though but they're useful at the most unexpected times. If you think there are tips lacking, just comment them down below to help a friend out there. And last tip, ditch mental notes; they get you nowhere, I swear!


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